Adoption Application Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone (###) ### #### Address * ex. 123 Apple St, Goodtown NJ 01100 What type of housing do you live in? * House Apartment Townhouse/Condo Are you employed? * Yes No Do you Rent or Own your home? Rent Own If you Rent, what is landlord/building's policy on owning pets? If this doesn't apply to you select N/A Not Allowed Allow Case by case basis Pet weight limit N/A Do you have a yard or Access to One? Yes No Other (explain) Reason for adopting a dog? Companion for me or my family Companion for other pet Security House Pet Breeding How many children under 18 live in your household? 1-2 2-3 3-more None How many hours would the dog be alone? 1-4 5-7 8-more None Will you crate train? If so how long each day would the dog be in the crate? 1-4 hours 5-7 hours 8-more hours Only at night Only when I'm at work (no more than 8 hours) Only when I go out When you leave town where will the dog stay? With family With trusted friends Dogsitter Boarding Not sure yet With me on vacation What behaviors would cause you to consider returning a dog? * Please list current animals you have or have had in the last 5 years : type, age, breed; if none put N/A Veterinarian Information Address, Phone Number, Name of Vet Dog(s) You're Interested in: Please state Name of dog from site Have you ever surrendered a pet to an animal shelter/given a pet away? * If so please explain situation and why. If doesn't apply just write N/A. Personal Statement * Any additional information you'd like to provide on why your application should be approved Thank you!